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Flite Aviaries NQ

Birds are usually S/S rung & DNA'd if not nest or visuallly sexed.

Breeding is not simply having birds mating, but to produce strong, healthy, true to form chicks/birds on 'the perch'. 

ALL BIRDS offered for Sale are BRED & Raised by Flite Aviaries NQ, (parent or hand raised) unless otherwise stated.

Below is some Species Information.

Parent Birds Only NFS

DF Blue  -  Cobalt.    Best seen in Sunlight


BURU Red Lory

Eos bornea cyanonothus

As much as the nominate sub-species is a great bird( the Moluccan, which we have bred) the Buru seems calmer, yet more playful in the aviary. The visual differences are very clear once you see them together. The Buru (140g) is 15/20% smaller & from the shoulders down, are a darker, more blood red. The young Buru do not have the soft blue ear patch of the young Moluccan. As the name suggests this sub-species come from Buru Isl. which is the third largest island within Maluku ( ex Moluccans) Islands of Indonesia. It lies between the Banda Sea to the south and Seram Sea to the north, west of Ambon and Seram islands.

Green-tailed or Yellow-bibbed Lory

Lorious chlorocercus


One of the most active, playful Lories we have kept.  Being in the Lorius family the Green-tails (170/200g) are related to, but not part of  the larger (230g) Black-cap  sub-species. Green-tails are from Guadalcanal, Malaita & San Cristobal Island, in the southern Solomon Islands

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Double-eyed Fig Parrot

Cyclopsitta diophthalma


One of the most active, playful Species we have kept.  Being in the Cyclopsitta  family the Doubled-eyed  are related to many of the larger 'Figgies' from overseas . These beauties are from North Queensland

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